Tuesday, March 31, 2020

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OSDH Commissioner Urges Private Labs to Report All COVID-19 Test Results Daily to State

2020NEWs Release

March 31, 2020

Jamie Dukes
Public Information Manager
Office of Communications
(405) 271-5601


COVID-19 Call Center:
(877) 215-8336



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Creating a State of Health



OSDH Commissioner Urges Private Labs to Report All COVID-19 Test Results Daily to State

The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) Commissioner of Health Gary Cox sent a letter Monday to remind Oklahoma's private labs that the state earlier this month designated COVID-19 as a disease that is immediately reportable to OSDH.

In his letter, Commissioner Cox urged private labs to comply with state statute by reporting both positive COVID-19 test results and negative COVID-19 test results to ensure the agency has the full picture of the virus' impact in Oklahoma.

"The Oklahoma State Department of Health is committed to delivering as much transparent data to the public on COVID-19 as state and federal law allows, and it is critical for private labs to help us achieve this mission by reporting daily to the agency both the positive and negative COVID-19 test results to achieve a complete picture of this virus' impact,"  said Commissioner Cox. "In the past month, the state has expanded its public-private partnerships with multiple labs to process COVID-19 tests, and we appreciate how these partnerships have resulted in quicker insight to the number of positive cases throughout Oklahoma."

In the letter, Commissioner Cox reminds private labs that a failure to report COVID testing results to the OSDH is subject to civil and criminal penalties.

On Monday, OSDH began providing in the Governor's daily COVID-19 report, published by OSDH pursuant to Executive Order 2020-07, a list of agency's private lab partnerships and each lab's processing capacity for COVID-19 tests. The list can be found on page two of the following report from March 30, 2020.


This email was sent to eoncopeland.corona@blogger.com using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Oklahoma State Department of Health · 1000 NE 10th · Oklahoma City, OK 73117· 1-800-522-0203 GovDelivery logo

Fact or Fiction – COVID-19

BLOG 2020 Covie

Help, My Kids Have So Many Questions!

Depending on who lives in your household, you may be encountering many more questions than you feel prepared to answer. We know this is a dynamic situation and want to provide you with some tips, tools and resources that can help you navigate questions on COVID-19. 

  • Consider your audience. Focus on facts, and keep explanations simple for younger audiences. For your pre-teen and teen audience, acknowledge they are likely gathering their own information and be ready to point them towards reliable, science-based facts.   
  • Be transparent. While we want to encourage you to stay calm, we also encourage you to be honest with your kids. If you don't know how to answer a question, say that. If they want to know how you are feeling, share that. Demonstrating it is okay to be open with your feelings will help them feel comfortable doing the same. 
  • Reassure your kids. Provide your kids reassurance that while COVID-19 is causing disruptions to their day-to-day lives (school, sports, extracurricular activities, church events) remind them that the risk to them is low, and that there are a lot of really smart people dedicating their lives to reducing its impact, slowing the spread and looking for ways to prevent this from happening again.
  • Share with them ways they can help, like everyday activities they can implement to help slow the spread. Handwashing, covering mouths when coughing, practicing social distance, are all simple ways you can help your kiddos feel like they are part of the solution. 

The CDC has provided a page of resources dedicated to assisting you in this discussion. Or, if your audience is more visual or audio learners, check out this cool infographic from Live Science or this video from Lingo Kids.

March 31, 2020


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Creating a State of Health


This email was sent to eoncopeland.corona@blogger.com using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Oklahoma State Department of Health · 1000 NE 10th · Oklahoma City, OK 73117· 1-800-522-0203 GovDelivery logo


2020 Media Advisory

March 31, 2020

Jamie Dukes
Public Information Manager
Office of Communications
(405) 271-5601


COVID-19 Call Center:
(877) 215-8336



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Contact the
Office of Communications
(405) 271-5601


Business Hours: 

8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Creating a State of Health




  • As of this advisory, there are 565 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Oklahoma. 
  • There are an additional six deaths:
    • Three in Oklahoma County, a male and female in the 50-64 age group and another male older than 65.
    • One in Canadian County, a male older than 65.
    • One in Muskogee County, a male older than 65.
    • One in Wagoner County, a male older than 65.
  • There are 23 total deaths in the state.
  • By the end of Monday, the state received more than 60 percent of its personal protective equipment (PPE) order from the federal government's Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), and the state expects to be at 100 percent in the next couple days. The order included the following items: gloves, gowns, face/eye protection, N95, and surgical masks.
    • On Sunday, officials moved 700 cases of PPE to regional warehouses located on the front lines of resupplying medical system providers
    • Due to a continued national shortage, the state will reserve SNS for hospitals which have 1) ICU beds and 2) have persons under investigation (PUI) for COVID-19 or patients with a positive test.
    • Due to a multi-million dollar order the state placed on the private market, officials anticipate larger shipments of PPE, to include additional N95 masks, in the next week.
  • REMINDER: Governor Stitt's "Safer at Home" order includes the following guidelines for all 77 counties until April 30:
    • No gatherings in groups larger than 10 people.
    • People age 65 or older or those with a compromised immune system must shelter at home.
    • PLEASE NOTE: Some local municipalities, to include Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Norman, have put into place law enforcement efforts to enforce the Governor's order as well as the cities' additional "shelter in place" policies.
    • On both statewide and municipal levels, individuals can still leave for essential errands such as to grocery stores or pharmacies. Please call 2-1-1 or visit covidresources.ok.gov for resources and information.
  • For more information, visit coronavirus.health.ok.gov.

COVID-19 Oklahoma Test Results

Positive (In-State) 565
Positive (Out-of-State) 2
Negative* 1229
Hospitalizations 177
Deaths 23


*Negative testing results are only from the State Public Health Laboratory and do not include private laboratory negative results.

Data Source: Acute Disease Service, Oklahoma State Department of Health.
*As of 2020-03-31 at 7:00 a.m.

Detailed case statistics are now being published on the website only. Click here for more information.


This email was sent to eoncopeland.corona@blogger.com using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Oklahoma State Department of Health · 1000 NE 10th · Oklahoma City, OK 73117· 1-800-522-0203 GovDelivery logo

Monday, March 30, 2020

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THD Public Health Emergency Preparedness Update - March 30  5:30 p.m.

March 30, 2020  5:30 p.m. CST

USDA Approves Oklahoma's Request for Free Meals for All Students

Announced today from the State Department of Education, Oklahoma students statewide will soon be able to access two free meals a day following a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) waiver, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister announced today.

The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) applied for the waiver March 11 and March 25 to remove the requirement that school feeding sites be located in high-need areas under the Emergency School Closure provisions of the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Approved over the weekend, the waiver grants site-area eligibility to 31 states, including Oklahoma.

Prior to the waiver, districts could provide free meals only if 50% of students at a school met eligibility for the free and reduced-price lunch program.

Hofmeister said the waiver is welcome news as districts clamor for ways to get meals to students in the midst of distance learning necessary in the wake of the global pandemic.

"Amid such uncertainty and instability, we should not be asking our families or schools to worry over needless red tape," she said. "This waiver means that, following a simple application, any district in the state can establish feeding sites for up to two free meals a day for every student who needs one."

Oklahoma received a swift response to its multiple waiver requests after U.S. Sen. James Lankford intervened.

The waiver is in effect until June 30, 2020, or until the federally declared public health emergency expires.

New Guidelines from CDC

Thank You to All of Our Leaders

We appreciated this feature on our Executive Director Dr. Bruce Dart! Dr. Dart leads an agency of 340 diverse and dedicated public health professionals who are committed to protecting the health and well-being Tulsa County residents. We appreciate the collaboration between all city and county leaders as well as emergency management during this response. Together, we stand Tulsa Strong.

Tulsa Area United Way Shares Volunteer Opportunities

Tulsa Area United Way is constantly adding volunteer opportunities as they come available.

Find ways to volunteer in our community

New Tobacco Stops With Me Resources Available

As we know, COVID-19 has a great risk to those with underlying health conditions. Stopping tobacco can greatly impact your health in a positive way. Share the latest fact sheets on tobacco-prevention policies, dangers of youth vaping and ways continued tobacco use affects every Oklahoman. Download Now

Next Press Conference - April 1

The next news conference with Tulsa Health, City and County officials is scheduled Wed, April 1, at noon at via FB live on City of Tulsa GOV page. As a reminder, following the live conference, recaps are available in Spanish, Zomi and Burmese. THD is working on resources available for other translations.

Donations Accepted

Corporate, industrial or medical partners wishing to donate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) may email covid19donations@cityoftulsa.org. At this time, we are unable to accept donations from private households or individuals due to quality control issues and potential contamination. Items collected will be distributed to the Regional Medical Response System.

OSDH Hotline

OSDH Website

Guidance Documents

Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) has put together documents that can be shared publicly through your agency. We appreciate your effort in communicating this message. To find accurate information on COVID-19 that is regularly updated, please visit the Tulsa Health Department's COVID-19 webpage.
THD Website

Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities

CDC Website

Additional Helpful Information

FAQS CDC Resources Local Resources Posters/Handouts (please share) Social Posts (please share)
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