- Today's weekly Oklahoma COVID-19 Weekly Report is now available.
Oklahoma has begun experiencing over the past two weeks an increase in the number of cases and hospitalizations due to COVID-19, though the number of deaths have remained approximately the same and the percentage of positives remains low at 3.7%. The increase in the number of cases is caused by both ongoing community transmission and outbreaks that affect specific populations. The threat of COVID-19 still exists and we anticipate it to grow. It is critical for Oklahomans to seek out testing. Since COVID-19 was first introduced in Oklahoma, testing availability has radically improved and the State's hospital surge plan, expanding bed capacity by 40%, remains activated. Diagnostic testing is freely available to all Oklahomans and we continue to improve our ability to find and diagnose COVID-19 cases. The need to physically distance, wear a mask, wash hands often, and adhere to instructions to quarantine and isolate remain critically important. - Reports from weeks past can be found here.
- For more information, visit coronavirus.health.ok.gov.
COVID-19 Tests Performed & Percent Positive (Cumulative Totals)  Downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period (flat or increasing volume of tests). ### |
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